

It is well known that education is a key driver for reducing poverty, fostering economic growth, achieving gender equality and enhancing social development. It is one of the most important investments a country can make in its people and their future. Education raises human productivity and creativity, promoting entrepreneurship and technological advances. At ROCF, we aim to achieve inclusive and high- quality education focused on human values, holistic thinking, essential life skills, and an optimal balance between material and spiritual needs for all. We align with the UN SDG goals, which stipulate the importance of providing equal access to affordable vocational training, eliminating gender and wealth disparities, and achieving universal access to quality higher education.

Quality of education has been a popular topic in developing countries like India; there is a need for focused intervention to improve programme design, delivery, and outcomes. Some factors that could enhance the quality of education are: improved teaching skills, use of effective learning methodologies, use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the curriculum, augmenting the content based on results of needs assessments, and creating enabling environments for students. Incorporating these tactics, our work encompasses areas in education such as training, curriculum development (core and supplementary), digital literacy, research, advocacy and infrastructure development.

ROCF believes in achieving social change by providing equal opportunities for communities and supporting governments and other major stakeholders to achieve our shared goals. We implement programmes to complement the needs of stakeholders as well as our assessments of the compelling needs of communities. Our approach is based on the power of aggregation, whereby we bring in leadership and resources from all walks of life to strengthen projects.